Dont forget to pencil this exhibition in your diary.
Dont Think Twice Collective, Winners of Best Visual Arts award at this years St.Helens Culture Awards..............but we wouldn't have won it without the help, support, and submissions from you!
to celebrate this we invite you down to Bar Java, Westfield Street, St.Helens on April 2nd (from 7pm) for our celebration Exhibition, all work shown on the night will be by some of st.helens Freshest and finest artists, this is a show NOT to be missed, All work will be for sale, and all the money goes directly to the artists, the collective, and bar java will not be taking any commission on the sale...
...So come down, support the growing creative culture of St.Helens,
and basically join us in celebrating our award win!!!
::::::artists confirmed so far for the celebration exhibition so far::::::
*Stephen Ball (St.Helens)..........................Graphic Street Art
*Neil Rothstein(Manchester/St.Helens)..............Twisted oil Painter
*Nicola Ellis(Preston/St.Helens)...................Fine Print and sculpture
*Dan Greenham(The fine artist
*Stuart Harris(Liverpool/St.Helens)................Graphic Artist
*Lee Guy(St.Helens)................................Tattoo, Street Art
*Paul Cousins(St.Helens)...........................Fine Landscape Artist
*Jayne Murphey(Manchester).........................Fine Portrait Artist
*Phil Swaine (St.Helens)...........................Graphic Artist/Photographer
*Helene Hughes (St.Helens) ........................Illustrator